Hi All
Hope the weather hasn't affected you too much. Here's my thinking....... You can either dwell on it and let it depress you, or you can decide to cheer it up with your wardrobe choice for the day. Today I decided that just because it was dull and wet outside, that didn't mean I had to dress as Grey as the weather makes most of us feel, after the bright days of the summer. It is at this time of year, that it is the most difficult to decide on what to wear, because your summer wardrobe is on the verge of being replaced with your winter one.
However, my summer wardrobe hasn't yet been banished to the back, because there are still some items of clothing, that are transferable during the autumn months.
My choice for today was this ensemble.
I start with a floral waterfall shirt/jacket, which I purchased last year from one of the cheapest stores of the modern world. I am pretty sure I don't need to state the name of this store, as every woman I know, has some type of item from there, even if they would never admit it. In my book, as long as you wear it right, it really doesn't matter where items of clothing that make you feel good, come from. The current financial climate doesn't exactly scream, "let me go and buy clothes I can ill afford". So being sensible is the name of the game.
The shirt/jacket has the colours Tan, White, Blue, Burnt Orange, and black in it, so I have decided to use three of those colours to compliment my look. I've chosen black wide legged trousers, which I purchased well over 2 years ago. I am only 5"4", so I wear my trousers long, because it gives the illusion of having longer legs than I actually have. If you wear yours between their ankles and your shoes, take some time and look in a long length mirror. Does, it stunts your look? If the answer is yes, the next time you go out to purchase a pair, think about where it falls, before heading to the checkout.
In addition, I chose a burnt orange racer back vest, which is around 4 or 6 years old, but only really gets worn once of twice a year, and accessorized my outfit with blue and orange Jewelery.
I guess you are wondering why I am telling you 'when' I purchased these items of clothes. Well it is so you can see,
that you really don't have to go out shopping every week, you can just take items from your current wardrobe, but think them out first. A lot of my clothes I have had for longer than you can imagine. Mixing and matching is the key to keep you looking fresh.
Once I have all that sorted, I then make sure what ever underwear I am wearing, suits the style of my outfit. Not thinking about your undergarments, is unfortunately another mistake we constantly make as women. The wrong bra and briefs can totally spoil the way your clothes hang on you. I will let you into a secret, at least 90% of women, wear the wrong size bra. If your bra rides up at the back, it is too big for you. Being fitted for a bra with a tape measure, despite what you have been taught, is not necessarily the correct way to be fitted. I learned this from a friend, who for years told me to go to the bra fitters of HRH the queen. I finally conceded and was fitted for the 1st perfect fitting bra I had ever owned, and it changed the way I carried myself from then onwards. Whether you are small chested or have an ample bust like myself, you need to make sure your bra fits you correctly. If the straps of your bra supports your bust, you are also wearing the wrong size. You should be supported by the circumference of your bra. The shape of your bra is really really important, as this too can distort your look, in the way your clothing falls, and you can appear larger than you are. simply by wearing the wrong shape and size. Sometimes the most boring looking bras, turn out to be your best friend. Trust me I have many.
As you can see I have a shaved head, by choice I should add. Because it is so short, I tend to be quite feminine in my choice of clothing and jewellery, to soften my look. As I do every morning, I take 10-15 minutes to put on some make up. As it isn't too cold out side, I select a large waterfall cardigan to keep me warm, a large umbrella in case it rains, and my beloved Black trilby hat. With hair this short I have grown to love hats and when it gets really cold, never venture outdoors without one, as we all know you loose most of your heat through your head. Now I am good to go (after taking the snap above, for the benefit of this blog),
Yay!!! Tomorrow is Friday. In a lot offices it's what's known as 'dress down Friday", but as we are not allowed to wear jeans to work, I am off to find something comfortable to wear for my favorite day of the week, for the simple reason, that it is the last day I have to wake up to an Alarm.
Have a lovely day
Back soon
Stylish AT50
p.s. It appears I have already inspired my sister, who sent me this pic of herself after reading my first blog. I think she looks amazing. Please feel free to send me any pics of yourself, if you feel you want some help in deciding if your look is right. I am not a qualified stylist, but i am happy to help if i can. If you don't want your pic to appear on the blog, I will respect your wish and keep it private. My email address is; Stylishat50@gmail.com
Well done sis. Proud of you and happy to have been of service.
Hey sis. Think I've finally got this comment thing sorted.
ReplyDeleteYou've always been an inspiration to me. Keep doing what you're doing. you're fabulous. x