Sunday, 23 September 2012

Hi there,  I turned 50 just over two weeks ago, and I have to say, I don't feel a day over 25, which is strange, as my daughter is older than that.  Part of that, is to do with the way I look, as well as my love of fashion, and my refusal to dress the way most 50 year olds do.  That isn't to say that I dress like a 20 year old, just that I don't feel the need to wear pretty cardigans and the like, that shout "I am 50". 

In the past 3 years without meaning or wanting to sound big headed, I can honestly say that every day that I am in public, someone, somewhere has paid me a compliment about my look, or the way I am dressed. (I should add, that they are mainly from females).  I honestly never thought about it that much, until the comments began.  I guess my self image has never been a great one, but having gone though what I believe to be the 2nd  best thing I have ever done in my life, which is Therapy, I now realize I am worthy of the comments (compliments).  That doesn't necessarily mean I am 100% comfortable with them, but I do understand that the reasons for that, is that I am simply not used to them, having  grown up not receiving them.  But I am learning slowly to appreciate them, and not be embarrassed by them.

My daughter however, thought that I should start this blog to share with others my views of fashion for women of a certain age, along with anyone who is interested, so I thought I would give it a go. 

So first off, my question to you is, when you dress up for a night out, think about the way you feel when you view yourself in the mirror, before you head out.  Do you feel like you look goodOK, then why wouldn't you want to feel like that everyday?  

At work I have women ask me how I do it, and I simply tell them, that I take the time in the morning to put on a little make up, and put on clothes (usually prepared the night before) that make me feel like I'm Sarah Jessica Parker from "Sex in the city".  I know I am nothing like her, but pretending doesn't seemed to have done me any harm, as I walk on air all day, because I feel great. Their answer is always, "I cannot be bothered to do that every day, just to come to work".  Well, I spend most of my time outside my home, at work, so why should I only look and feel good, on the odd evening that I venture out for an evening. 

For those of you who think that I have the available funds to buy expensive clothing, nothing could be further from the truth.  I very rarely spend much on clothes or shoes, because I buy in the sales, clothes, shoes and Jewelry.

In the coming weeks I will try to upload some pics of the types of outfits I wear on a daily basis, and you can judge for yourself.  My style isn't for everyone, and I wholly accept that, but for those of you that feel stuck in a rut, it might give you the motivation to try every now and again, to make an effort on a normal day and see how it makes you feel. 

I've probably talked too much, so I will leave you now,  Be back soon.

I'm not a lover of having my photo taken, so I will try to take more pics, but this is a taster of my daily wear. 

Have a lovely week



  1. Don't ever feel that you're talking too much. That's exactly what this blog should be for. We want more more more more. Just this first installment has made me stop at think. Can't wait for the next.

  2. Wow,you are my first reply. Thank you so much.

  3. Go girl well done..I will be following you hun..yes we want more much love..

  4. You guys are so loyal, Thank you so much. I will try to keep you all proud, as if it wasn't for you all, i would not have the courage to even attempt this.

  5. One of your 'secrets' is that you're as beautiful on the inside, as you are on the outside.
    Good luck with this. I hope it grows and grows for you.

  6. The first time i met you and asked how old you were....i could not believe it....6 years later you actually look younger than you did back then. Every morning i look forward to seeing what you have put together and it is always a pleasant surprise. I admire your dress sense and the way you carry yourself. I know you are much much much much much older than me but i pray i look as good as you when i reach 50! well done!
