I believe Winter is finally kicking in, but as it does, I'm not letting go of my love of colour. In fact I am holding on for dear life.
On Sunday I had a sort out of my wardrobe, in the hope of making more room. I pull out a few items, I no longer love. Some I'll give to charity, and the rest I may try to get rid of on Ebay. I'm told I'm behind on that front, so I figure I will give it a go. While rummaging through, trying to fit everything in ready for the change in temperature, under duress, I decided to put some of my summer clothes away. I came across a shirt I didn't really get the opportunity to wear more than once this year, and a blouses that matched perfectly, so decided that would be my Monday work outfit.
This was an easy one to put together. See for yourself.
I add a black blazer, mustard coloured platform heels, black earrings and my faithful large black bag. The photo on the right is my outdoor wear, (hat & scarf) and the other (minus the bag) is how I go through the day, once again, 'walking on air'.
In my rather large bag however, are a pair of flat black pumps, that I pop on while I walk the short distant from the car to the office. Unfortunately, at my time of life my feet doesn't appreciate that walk, short though it may be in platformed heels, but it is an easy transition from pumps to heels once I am at my desk. Once again, nothing I have on was expensive, as they were either purchased from popular high street stores, or at a sale.
If like me you drive, don't drive in heels as driving ruins the backs of your shoe. Keep an old pair of pumps in the car, or cover your shoes like I do when I'm feeling lazy, with the little blue foot bags that you get in the showers at the gym. I'm sure most of you know this, so that tip is for those of you who haven't realized, why the backs of your shoes are scuffed.
Like most of you, I have pet hates, which I will share with you in my blogs.
My pet hate for today is, flat 'trousers boots' worn with pencil skirts/suits. Flat boots that go pass your ankle like this example, are made to be worn with trousers and not skirts.
Below are the types of boots that can be worn with skirts.
The pic of the shoe boot on the left, work with most other types of skirts, dresses, shorts trousers or leggings.
As you can see above in the pics of Rhianna and Ciara, there are many styles that go past your ankle, that can be worn rather stylishly with anything.
As office attire 'the ones on the top right' you simple should not, for varying reasons. When wearing a pencil skirt or suit, they just don't work (unless your pencil skirt has 'swag', as the youngster say!). If in doubt, Google it, and if the style you have, isn't seen in the fashion pages for office wear, take them off. In simple terms match your boot style with your dress/skirt style. Think about it like this, try to keep your dress/skirt in the same style range as your boots.
With my outfit above, although dressed for an office, the shoe boots could work. However, I would need to be very careful that they did not make 'my' legs look stumpy. I could only get away with it, if I wore black opaque tights, which works much like wearing a court shoe, without tights. This is because it has the effect of making your legs appear longer, simply because there is no break in colour. With a court shoe, you see all skin from the top of the shoe to the start of your skirt, so you legs appear longer. If you are confused by this, try it for yourselves.
If you are correctly wearing trouser boots with trousers, here's another tip to remember...... If other people can see the tops of your trouser boots, while you are walking or standing, or you can see them in your full length mirror, (something no woman should live without in your home), your pants are too short. The only section of this style of boot that should be seen, are the front of the boot, especially if you are wearing a flared trouser, (flared meaning, not fitted).
A final note; on Leggings and shoe boots. For the same reason as above..... 'do not' show skin between your leggings and your boot, it is not only unsightly, it also shortens the appearance of your legs,
Anyway, hope that helps, if you are one of those people who were unsure.
Remember, these are only my opinions. If you are happy wearing what you do and you feel good, continue doing so. Only you will know if dressing to feel good, does what it says on the tin. Hope you enjoyed reading
Bye bye for now.
Enjoy your week.
Stylish AT50
Very Good Blog, keep up the good work!